Stevie Miller
Stevie stands outside of her porch. She is smiling. She is wearing a shirt with flowers on it and jean shorts.
Hi, my name is Stevie Miller, and I have lived in Missile View Mobile Home Park for 38 years. Leasco Management took over my community almost three years ago, and since then, my life has drastically changed. I have lived in Florida for nearly 50 years. I am originally from New York. When I first moved into this community, the lot rent was only $85! When the original management owned the park, water, trash, and sewage were included. Now we are being charged property tax, and we haven’t seen not one improvement to the property. I honestly believe this company is ripping us off and chasing us out of the state. 70% of my fixed income is going towards lot rent and fees, and they know it. When I first met the district manager almost three years ago and told her I had lived here for 36 years, she told me, “well, that’s too long,” I don’t trust her at all. I was so close to the previous park manager that my husband and hers would go to yard sales together. It was like a big family, and now you don’t even know who your neighbors are because turnover is so high, and people who have been here for decades are getting evicted for high lot rents, and I’m afraid I’m next.