Samantha Tedesco
My name is Samantha Tedesco. My family and I moved into our community in February of 2019. We went through with moving in because it gave us a place our young boys could play in our yard.
A selfie of Samantha. She is wearing a pink tank top and has chin length red hair.
Our youngest son was diagnosed with a gross motor deficit in March of 2020. He has to be closely monitored at all times. Cook Properties does not allow us to put any toys outside for him to play with and there are no public play areas for kids in the park.
They expect our children to ride their bikes in the street. People who come into the park do not always drive slowly, and the speed humps put in to slow people down have been ripped apart and left unmaintained.
Over this past winter I had to walk my 6 and 4 year old across a snow covered field. Due to the lack of plowing and salting, my eldest son, who has juvenile arthritis, fell and injured his lower back.
We have had raw sewage back up into our bathtub and yard several times. We can not use the tap water out of fear the water could make our children sick.
As a mother, the conditions make living here an honest nightmare. We live in fear of what will happen next. My depression and anxiety have only worsened since coming here. I want to move, but we are a young family severely struggling in difficult times right now.