Organizing Your Community

The first step to addressing issues in your community is to organize your neighbors. The tools below offer tips and exercises on organizing and outreach, forming an HOA, and developing community leaders.

Door Knocking Training Game: This interactive training module will teach you how to do door-to-door outreach in your community, and give you the opportunity to practice different scenarios.

Deep Listening: Listening is an important part of organizing and engaging residents in your work. Use this exercise to build the listening skills of the leaders in your community.

Story of Self Exercise: Personal stories help us motivate others to support our issues. Sharing personal stories can also help build trust and relationship between members of your community. Use the facilitator’s guide to run the exercise.

Tips from Utah: The Utah Coalition of Manufactured Homeowners (UCOMH) has written several useful documents with advice on how to start organizing in your community. The documents may reference Utah specific laws or resources, but the suggestions are relevant to homeowners in any state: