Mary Jayne Grotzer
My name is Mary Jayne Grotzer. I moved into Shalimar Village, a Legacy Communities-owned property, in October of 2020. I wanted to live here because it looked like a nice area.
Mary Jayne stands outside a manufactured home. She is wearing a mask that is covering her face.
Since moving into my mobile home, my life has been horrible. I don't live like a human. My teeth and hair are falling out, and I’m doing everything I can to survive. I’ve had to put a huge chunk of my retirement funds into this trailer since moving here.
After a couple of weeks of living here, I noticed that the pipes in the kitchen were terrible and started to leak. Now the floors in my home are warped and lifted. Sometimes when I flush the toilet, sewage water rises out of the tub. I recently noticed mold in the bathroom, and the walls and floors need to be treated.
My AC unit broke in the middle of the summer. My house was so hot, I had to rush my cat to the vet to have her treated for heat stroke. I had to have my house tented because the bug infestation was so bad, I couldn't even sleep. Of course, the lot rent continues to go up despite all these issues.
If I didn't have a lease and I wasn't stuck to this lot, I would have cut my losses and walked away from this place a long time ago, but now that I've invested so much into it, I’m stuck. This was supposed to be an affordable place to live. How is it possible to sell homes in such uninhabitable conditions?